Marah Radio, Hebron, eighth episode of “My Right” program

Marah Radio, Hebron, eighth episode of “My Right” program

Marah Radio, Hebron, eighth episode of “My Right” program
Roles for Social Change Association-ADWAR in partnership with Marah Radio launched the eighth episode of “My Right” program that’s presented by Samar Addibs within the project “Protecting Women’s Legal Rights” under its social program strategies which aims to help women break the barrier of having an access to family courts; as well as protecting their legal rights and reducing gender-based violence.
Monday’s episode (9/7/2018) discussed “Sons and daughters’ right of meeting their mothers after separation” pointing family courts’ services and measures in order to make such information available for community in general.
The eighth episode was started by Samar Addibs who talked about the project generally and its goals that are within “Protecting Women’s Legal Rights” project. She also talked about providing women with legal information regarding “Sons and daughters meeting of their mothers) if they have the right to, indicating the messages of this episode regarding measures women can follow to get their rights of meeting or seeing her sons & daughters; that was in the presence and participation of guests of this episode and the family court judge Dr. Abdullah Asaily and Psychological specialist Jeehan Fakhoury.
By a call participation, Jeehan Fakhoury pointed out psychological effects resulted from depriving women from meeting their children indicating some previous experiences of divorced women deprived from seeing their children after separation as way of punishment.
She called upon family courts to work hard on protecting women’s rights who are not able to meet their children wondering why not having responsible bodies or systems that proceed hard punishment to those who exceed their limits? Who ensure divorced woman’s right regarding custody of her children?
In the end of the meeting, Jeehan Fakhoury presented counselling and advice for women and men too, so that separation effects will not be reflected negatively on children.


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