Ending accountability sessions with decision makers

Ending accountability sessions with decision makers

Day:Monday Date:15/04/2019
Roles for Social Change Association-ADWAR has completed accountability sessions with decision-makers in government and non-governmental institutions and private sector. This activity comes as part of the project “Towards Women Who Make Change in Priority Communities and Make a Difference in Their Lives and the Lives of Others”.
The aim of this activity was to improve the mechanism of communication between members of the Committee for the Protection of Women and decision-makers and their accountability for their role in developing the reality of gender-based services in priority groups.
This activity targeted women’s protection committees in the six communities in the Bethlehem governorate (Rashaida, Rawaen, Jab Altheb) and Ramallah governorate (Jabaa – Al-Maazi-Taiba).
After these sessions, the women’s committees in the priority groups have come out with a set of demands and recommendations for decision-makers to improve the education, agriculture and transportation services in the communities, to continue the hard work and to activate their role in providing local services based on gender. , In partnership with the local councils and the media and funded by the Dutch government.


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