End of initiatives Sessions

End of initiatives Sessions

Day: Thursday Date: 18/7/2019
ADWAR Association has completed the activities of the fifth phase of the project (Towards Women Who Make Change in Priority Groups and Make a Difference in Their Lives and the Lives of Others).
Initiatives were carried out in priority communities in Bethlehem governorate (Al Rashaydeh, Al Rawa’in, Jab Altheeb), Ramallah governorate (Jaba, Al-Taiba, Al-Ma’azi)
These initiatives aimed at apply accountability mechanisms by implementing community initiatives to encourage decision makers to meet the gender-based needs identified by women’s protection committees in the six communities. Women expressed gratitude for the role of the ADWAR Association and for the project that enabled them to meet their demands.
For her part, ADWAR’s General Director Dr.Sahar Alkawasmeh said”These initiatives are an important tool to meet the needs of women and girls in particular.
One of the most important results achieved by the initiatives was to provide women in the six communities with humanitarian assistance that serves the interests of women in particular and the people of the community in general. The Ministry of Transport and Transport also decided to establish a transport link for the Jib AlTheb and to determine the rates of passenger transport.
This project comes in cooperation with local councils and is funded by the Dutch government..


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