Project the role of young women and men in Holding Official’s Accountability about gender needs

Project the role of young women and men in Holding Official’s Accountability about gender needs

General Framework
Implemented in partnership with Local Councils, funded by Catholic Relief Services (CRS) within the framework of  strengthen the civil society participation program (CPP). 

 Period of Time 
3/2014  8/2014  

– To raise the efficiency of the youth’s supervisory body, enabling them to use the social effective supervision mechanisms and tools in order to watch over the performance as well as the roles of deferent ministries and strengthen the social participation to fulfill their needs based on gender.
– Strengthen the mechanisms of coordination and networking between various ministries and youths bodies to ensure the fulfillment of the citizens needs based on gender.
– Influencing the decision makers in the relevant ministries as well as  their policies and procedures to improve the communitys services on the ground. 

 Target Group
The project targeted young women and men from the areas south of Hebron Governorate, namely: Yatta, Al-Samu ‘, Dura, Susiya ,Twanah, and Umm Al-Khair. 


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