Dialogue and accountability meeting in order to improve the reality of women in life and economic development

Dialogue and accountability meeting in order to improve the reality of women in life and economic development

ADWAR Association implemented a dialogue and accountability meeting between associations and women owners of economic projects, aiming to enhance the role of women and young women in accountability to decision-makers in the public sphere in order to adopt a system of integrity and transparency and eliminate corruption that deprives women of benefiting from economic resources.
At the end of the meeting, the women and young women participating in the meeting approved the paper of demands related to their economic rights, provided that it is handed over to the competent authorities from the Ministries of Economy and the Ministry of Entrepreneurship and Empowerment.
This meeting comes within the framework ADWAR initiative “Women are defenders and fighters against economic corruption that undermines democracy and the foundations of a fair and effective economy” in partnership with the Coalition for Integrity and Accountability “AMAN”.


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