Roles for Social Change Association-ADWAR started implementing project activities within( Initializing Palestinian Bedouin Communities of Hebron Governorate to Endorse Women in political participation High Decision Making Positions) in Zweideen

Roles for Social Change Association-ADWAR started implementing project activities within( Initializing Palestinian Bedouin Communities of Hebron Governorate to Endorse Women in political participation High Decision Making Positions) in Zweideen


Southeast of Yatta/Hebron ,which is a part of Women empowerment in decision making positions program implemented by GIZ on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), in partnership with Ministry of Local Government and Ministry of Women Affairs and non-governmental organizations and CBO’s in Bedouin and C areas.

The first Political Awareness training workshop took place in the Bedouin community of Zweideen in which targeted developing Bedouin women capacities, knowledge and skills about the importance of their political and social participation in order to express their needs and problems in front of decision makers. Also to develop communication channels with local councils and Ministry of Local government. as Sahar AlKwasmeh pointed that the program will enable women to seek and obtain high political and decision making positions.


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