ADWAR implemented its first level of activities within the project Supporting disadvantaged Bedouin and rural women

ADWAR implemented its first level of activities within the project Supporting disadvantaged Bedouin and rural women

Tuesday,10/10/2017 at AlRamadin Bedouin community
Roles for Social Change Association- ADWAR implemented its first level of activities within the project (Supporting disadvantaged Bedouin and rural women to instituetionalize and manage icome-generating projects, in south of Hebron and East Jerusalem) in partnership with the UKAID and funded by the European Union.
This project targets Bedouin and rural women of margenalized C aread in Hebron and East Jerusalem. Including AlZweideen, Susiya, AlRamadin south of al-Dhahiriya in Hebron governorate) and Abu Nowar, east of Jerusalem.
Needs assessment meetings took place today at AlRmadin south of al-Dhahiriya, in which aimed to initiate business plans for income-generating projects, and to identify the needed capacities for the trainees. It also aimed to prepare feasibility study for each project.




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