Statement by Roles for Social Change Association-ADWAR.

Statement by Roles for Social Change Association-ADWAR.

At a time when Palestinian leaders are struggling at the international level to join international treaties guaranteeing the rights of the Palestinian people and at a time when the feminist movement is taking the leadership of our people these struggles
the Presidential Decree No. 19 of 2009, which ratified the agreement on the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women, was issued after a great effort by the Palestinian feminist movements, which aims to promote the status of Palestinian women when the provisions of this agreement are binding and require amending internal laws in accordance with their legal texts, there are hostile opinions that carry speeches that are hostile to the rights of Palestinian women
calling for the cancellation of the agreement and refrain from working and the destruction of this great gain for Palestinian women and thwart all efforts exerted by the Palestinian leadership and the feminist movement to achieve the goals of our people.Our organization Roles for Social Change-ADWAR is part of the Palestinian feminist movement and its position of responsibility and faith. Its main objective is to ensure an equal society and empowerment of women at all levels and to combat all forms of racial discrimination against women. At the outset, women have taken the voice of women and girls in priority communities and marginalized areas. Invitation to suspend the work of this Convention CEDAW.We see this as a smashing of the efforts of the Palestinian leadership and the Palestinian feminist movement over many years. We also affirm that the provisions of the CEDAW are extensions of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenants on Human Rights, which prohibit discrimination on gender based equality and guarantee the right of men and women to enjoy in all Social, economic, political, cultural and civil rights. This is what the Palestinian government has joined and has become obliged to work with. ADWAR also calls for activating the provisions of CEDAW and taking measures that would make this Agreement fully applicable. “The full and complete development of a country, the welfare of the world and the cause of peace require the fullest possible participation of women on applying equality between with men in all fields.” Roles for Social Change Association-ADWAR.


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