Economic Program

This program believes that it is not possible to work with women and girls only to improve the social situation in isolation from the development of their economic situation.
Issues could be summarized as the following: 
– Limited experience and skills, Women and girls suffer from the lack of expertise and skills that qualify them to participate in non-traditional technical and vocational education, which will develop mechanisms of access to the labor market in both the public and private sectors. Women and girls also suffer from the traditional negative stereotyped image of the society against women and girls, which limit their existence to the traditional, educational and service aspects that society sees fit with female nature. 
– Unemployment and rising poverty, Palestinian and young women suffer from difficult economic conditions, which deprive them of the opportunity to work, where the percentages are not equal to the total labor force and has a very slow development. Which negatively affected the high rates of poverty and unemployment among women, especially young graduate women, as well as marginalized and disadvantaged women and girls in Bedouin and rural communities whose population depends on agriculture and livestock care.
– Discrimination in economic policies and procedures, the continuous discrimination and inequality based on gender in the policies and procedures of Palestinian state institutions, the private sector and cooperatives, has a negative impact on the participation rate of women and young women in the formal sector. Also embodies a clear and explicit exclusion from economic life and contribution to the gross national product and economic development under occupation. 


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