Marah Radio, Hebron, ninth episode of “My Right” program Roles for Social Change Association-ADWAR in partnership with Marah Radio launched the ninth episode of “My Right”

Marah Radio, Hebron, ninth episode of “My Right” program Roles for Social Change Association-ADWAR in partnership with Marah Radio launched the ninth episode of “My Right”

Marah Radio, Hebron, ninth episode of “My Right” program
Roles for Social Change Association-ADWAR in partnership with Marah Radio launched the ninth episode of “My Right” program that’s presented by Samar Addibs within the project “Protecting Women’s Legal Rights” under its social program strategies which aims to help women break the barrier of having an access to family courts; as well as protecting their legal rights and reducing gender-based violence.
Saturday’s episode (14/7/2018) discussed “Family Reform Section” in order to provide women and girls with important information about “Family Reform Section” and its social and reformist role; as well as raising awareness of local neglected communities in Hebron regarding this topic, pointing at Family Courts’ services and procedures, and making this information available to the whole community.
At the beginning of the meeting, the guest of this episode the Family Court Judge Dr. Abdullah Asaily presented a detailed concept about “Family Reform Section”, indicating the role of Family Counseling in Family Courts in reconciling the quarrelled couple and restrict divorce for the sake of protecting community cohesion and Palestinian family.
Dr. Asaily clarified that family reform and counseling section in family courts has a full team which consists of social advisor, psychological advisor, writer, and process server. This team members collaborate together to fulfill the family reform and counseling section’s goals. Departments of the family reform and counseling section are monitored by its general director.
Dr Asaily also clarified the role of the family reform and counseling section as one part of the family court in reserving Palestinian families from desegregation, and granting women their legal rights from the reform and counseling section’s view.
He also pointed at the significance of Family Reform Section in protecting the Palestinian family from disintegration; as well as granting women their full legal rights . Family Guidance Section provides family counseling, both legal and religious, through phone or receiving the meant people in headquarters of Family Guidance which is specialized in solving marriage disagreements such as marital obedience, treatment, maintenance, divorce, proof and subtraction of custody, and payment for custody, dwelling, and school fees.


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