Needs Assessments Workshops based on Gender

Needs Assessments Workshops based on Gender

Wednesday , 17/6/2020 Roles for Social Change Association-ADWAR finished the Fourth phase of the project (Towards Women Who leads Change in Priority Communities and Makes a Difference in Their Lives and the Lives of Others), where these Workshops was organized in the Bedouin Community in Tubas (Ibziq, Al-Malih , Al-Maiteh) and Jericho (Al-Fasayel, Al-Nwi’ma , Al-Dyook).
These workshop aimed to identify gender-based needs in order to implement initiatives led by the Women Protection Committees in the Bedouin communities, where the women expressed their urgent need to provide lighting, Churns. improve Transportation, and improve Education and other services.
It came from the results of the sessions, determining the needs based on the sessions that took place in the third stage of the project, which were with decision makers to hold them accountable for the lack of services suffered by the priority communities
This Project comes in cooperation with Local Councils , funded by the Netherlands Government.


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