Training of trainers program for “Young women and men Pioneers of Anti-Corruption from a Gender Perspective”

Training of trainers program for “Young women and men Pioneers of Anti-Corruption from a Gender Perspective”

ADWAR launched the “Transparency Enhances the Role of the Media in Contributing to the Fight against Corruption” initiative, which comes in partnership with the Coalition for Integrity and Accountability “AMAN” through a training of trainers program that targets media professionals and activists from Hebron and Bethlehem governorates, where the program will continue for a period of time , Six days so that the trainees can develop knowledge and skills about gender issues, pressure and influence skills, effective dialogue, and group management, in addition to learn about the right to information plan and how to prepare investigative reports, so that the trainees can transfer knowledge about the system of integrity, transparency, and anti-corruption. To their peers and produce media materials that highlight the importance of combating forms of corruption to contribute to strengthening a culture that rejects corruption and reducing its effects on various sectors of Palestinian society.


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