First phase of activities within the project:” Supporting gender equality regarding access to education in the south Hebron hill”

First phase of activities within the project:” Supporting gender equality regarding access to education in the south Hebron hill”

Tuesday 1/3/2016

Roles for social change Association-ADWAR started implementing the project activities within:” Supporting gender equality regarding access to education in the south Hebron hill” funded by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office of UK government in partnership with education directorate of South Hebron (Yatta), Yatta Municipality, HIRN, ACF, World Vision, in addition to the French organization (Citoyen Des Rues).

The first awareness workshop took place in Zeef health clinic at Zeef village. Workshops aim at awareness of mothers to importance of right in education and maintain sustainability in education in spite of hard social and political conditions in C areas. As its been validated as a human right by all humans ,Palestinian,and international conventions. In order to redeem gender gaps in reaching education according to the high rate of inflation among girls of Zeef.
ADWAR general director Sahar AlKawasmeh pointed that the project targets fathers as well ; to aware them of the importance of reaching education for girls as well as gain their support to help girls continue education at least finish high school.

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