ADWAR participated in implementing field visits program that aims to distribute Wataneyon statement

ADWAR participated in implementing field visits program that aims to distribute Wataneyon statement

Today: Thursday 19/1/2017 in Deir samit, Hebron
Roles for Social Change Association-ADWAR participated in implementing field visits program that aims to distribute Wataneyon statement by members of the secretariat continued implementing the field visits program since 16/1/2017 until the end of January. In which members are : Maher Zallom, Waleed Hmouz, Issa AlAmleh, Ismael Abu Hashhash, Maher Salaymeh, Bahjat Qabajeh,Suna Hneihen, and Sahar AlKawasmeh whom the coordinator of Hebron governorate group and ADWAR Association general director.
The field visits targeted several active organizations in Hebron governorate, the chamber of commerce, businesspersons, in addition to youth and women centers. It aimed to introduce Wataneyon initiative and crowd supportive groups to the initiative as well as signing Wataneyon statement that will decrease the negative effect of the political split on Palestinian families, children, women and youth.


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