ADWAR Association in partnership with Oroba Network implemented the second awareness radio episode through Hadeeth AlNas radio show.

ADWAR Association in partnership with Oroba Network implemented the second awareness radio episode through Hadeeth AlNas radio show.

Thursday, 9/2/2017, the second radio episode at Oroba Radio Network

ADWAR Association in partnership with Oroba Network implemented the second awareness radio episode through Hadeeth AlNas radio show.

The radio aimed at raising awareness of the importance of Women’s political participation through effective local elections in marginalized communities. Its’ implemented including the project in partnership with the German Cooperation (GIZ) and funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).

The project is implemented in partnership with the Local Bedouin councils, Protection committees, Ministry of Local Government, Ministry of Women’s Affairs, and Ma’an Network.

The media activist and women committee member Mrs.Ekram Tamimi participated in the episode along with Yatta Municipality deputy Mr.Jamal Abu Eram and the head of shadow council at Abu Nowar Bedouin community in East Jerusalem Mrs.Jihan AlJahaleen.

ADWAR’s project aims at developing women’s capacities in gender fields and self-esteem, as well as the right in political participation based on local bodies law.

Tamimi illustrated civil organizations cannot work aside from political programs and strategies of the government, as it should set plans and strategies to adapt to needs of Bedouin women and communities. She added that Bedouin marginalized communities lack services in addition to several restrictions and challenges for Bedouin women.

Abu Eram also pointed out the role of Yatta municipality in encouraging Bedouin women in particular, as they give women full rights to participate in elections, making decisions, and aspiring to higher legislative positions.

AlJahaleen also illustrated the role of Bedouin women in her community is limited to  reproductive role and family caring aspects, as some women only had the chance to leave the private sphere and continue their education. She added and pointed out the difference between Bedouin women nowadays and previously. In which they are different and aware about the roles they can occupy, as they are able to participate in political life.



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