Women’s Protection Committee in Ibziq Bedouin Community Implements  “Lighting the Gathering Initiative for Our Safety and Protect Our Homes”

Women’s Protection Committee in Ibziq Bedouin Community Implements “Lighting the Gathering Initiative for Our Safety and Protect Our Homes”

Today, on Wednesday, 19/8/2020, Women Protection Committee in Ibziq Bedouin community in Tubas governorate. The ceremony entitled “Lighting the Gathering Initiative for Our Safety and Protect Our Homes”, after the response of the private sector by holding an accountability meeting to highlight the need of women and the people in the gathering for the necessity of having lights around tents and homes at night, because of the importance of the lights in protecting women and the family in general. The lighting contributes to facilitating the night work to take care of livestock, for which women take this responsibility in the gathering.
The ceremony was opened by the project coordinator, Noor Manasrah, thanking the honorable attendees and praising the role of women in strengthening the steadfastness of the Palestinian people in priority areas, and the need to raise their voices and consider their gender-based needs.
The ceremony included the speech of the head of the local council, Mr. Abdul Majid Sawafta, in which he valued the role of ADWAR Association in reaching women in Ibziq Bedouin community, and highlighting the role of the council and the suffering of the people in this community.
Dr.Sahar Alkawasmeh ADWAR’s General Director confirmed that the secret of the steadfastness of the Palestinian people on this land is women, and t Women’s Protection Committees must join their efforts to improve the reality of services in priority areas by accountable the decision makers, andput the pressure on the responsible authorities to implement their needs.
In turn to the member of Women’s Protection Committee, Mrs. Ibtisam Nawajaa, highlighted the suffering of women and the lack of services in the gathering and the need for institutions to support the people in general and women in particular.
At the end of the ceremony’s initiative ,the lights were distributed to Women Protection Committee in the Ibziq Bedouin community, as this initiative comes within the activities of the project (Towards Women Who leads Change in Priority Communities and Makes a Difference in Their Lives and the Lives of Others) in partnership with the local council of Ibziq in Tubas, and funded by the Netherlands Government.


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