“ ADWAR” implements a radio episode where shading light on the reality of women’s needs in Al-Fasayel Bedouin Community – Jericho

“ ADWAR” implements a radio episode where shading light on the reality of women’s needs in Al-Fasayel Bedouin Community – Jericho

Roles for Social Change Association organized a radio episode in which it shed light on the reality of women’s lives in community in Al-Fasayel Bedouin Community -Jericho governorate, where the women Protection Committee in al-Fasayel asked for the fulfillment of a set of Gender-Based needs of women , as the committee had previously held a number of accountability meetings With decision-makers and the private sector in this regard, within the framework of the project “Toward Women who Lead Change in Priority Communities and Make a Difference in Their Lives and the Lives of Others” in partnership with local councils, and Baladna Radio, funded by Netherlands government.
Where Lega Rashaida a member of Women Protection Committee, expressed the women and Girls suffering , and the most prominent problems that the gathering suffers from, such as transportation and the difficulty of girls’ access to schools due to the distance and the lack of buses to take them to educational centers.
For her part, Mrs. Hala Zaa’l focused on the role of Women Protection Committee and the most important demands that the committee emphasized through holding a series of accountability meetings with decision-makers, and came up with several demands, the most prominent of which is accountability of the private sector to provide a pavilion for weddings and events because there is no place for women to hold their occasions.
Mrs. Khitam Zaa’l, highlighted that the women in this gathering bear the greatest burden because they are responsible for producing dairy products and that they lack machines to help them save time and effort.
She explained that most of the hours of the day are spent by women looking after and caring for livestock and producing milk and other dairy products. Besides, the problem of marketing products is a major problem that farmers suffer from in the Al-Fasayel due to the current conditions.
ADWAR is implementing the “Towards Women who Lead Change” project for this year in six Bedouin communities in Tubas and Jericho, in line with women needs in these gatherings.
The project aims to represent Bedouin women in priority gatherings, working to protect their rights as a human right, raising the level of women’s participation in political and social life, and strengthening the role of women in questioning decision-makers in the government and private sectors in order to work to meet the needs of gender and improve the reality of services.


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