“ ADWAR” implements a radio episode where shading light on the reality of women’s needs in Al-Malih Bedouin Community

“ ADWAR” implements a radio episode where shading light on the reality of women’s needs in Al-Malih Bedouin Community

Within the project “Towards Women who Lead Change” that ADWAR is working on, women Protection committee formed in Al-Malih community, south of Tubas, asked decision-makers to fulfill their gender-based needs.
Project Coordinator, Noor Manasrah, said during a radio episode that reviewed the reality of needs there, that the choice of “Al-Malih” group came based on the women desire to cooperate with ADWAR, and their urgent need to live in better conditions, especially since the services they demand are considered basic services for every citizen living in Palestine.
Manasrah added that the Protection Committee has identified the most prominent needs such as water shortage, housing restoration.
In addition to an initiative to ask the private sector to provide a room containing “Churns”, refrigerators, and tools necessary for the manufacture of dairy products.
Manasrah expressed her hope that the private sector would respond to the initiative, given the essential role of women in the aspect of livestock care.
She added that the Protection Committee had the ability to determine the competent authorities concerned with every aspect of the services, and to hold these authorities accountable about the suffering of women, stressing that every gathering proves that women are strong and able to convey their voice to decision-makers.


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