Supporting women in access to business market through sweets business

Supporting women in access to business market through sweets business

Monday 25/7/2016 at Khashm AlDaraj
Supporting women in access to business market through sweets business

ADWAR Association launched the project of Supporting women in access to business market through sweets business with the presence of the general director Sahar AlKawasmeh, and Kefaya Ne’erat ADWAR’s Bedouin branch chairman as well as her deputy Huda AlHathaline.
Participants gathered at Khashm AlDaraj kindergarten, within the framework of the economic program which aims at enhancing the capacities and skills of women in dealing with different economic fields, in order to enable them to benefit from the available resource as well as participating beside men in decision-making to increase their income, throughout educational and vocational training, which serves to increase the scientific and practical skills of women.
The idea of the project is based on enabling women from making traditional Palestinian sweets known in the city of Hebron, which had huge demand in Hebron. Also, to train women to production, packaging and sale of products, which constitutes an economic income for Bedouin women. Add to the fact that it reduces the discrimination of women in the labor sector and enable them to enter business market. This means that they transited from the private sphere to the public sphere. Communicating with the buyers from local community and traders guarantees communication channels for women as well.
AlKawasmeh indicated that this project, which targets Bedouin women constitute prospects for future action that will lead to a positive change in the life style and interests of Bedouin women and promoting their role in the economy cycle as well as encouraging them to participate in the production process and provide a source of income for the family.

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